Use "was furious|be furious" in a sentence

1. Father will be furious.

2. The Buddha was furious .

3. The king was furious!

4. Your grandfather must be furious.

5. He'll be furious at being kept waiting.

6. 'He was furious.' 'I can imagine.'

7. I was absolutely furious with him.

8. I was expecting him to be furious but he was very restrained.

9. She smiled, but privately she was furious.

10. Ernest Menville: The morgue? She'll be FURIOUS!

11. He was rightly furious at the decision.

12. Arsenal's opening attack was fast and furious.

13. I was annoyed, indeed furious, over what happened.

14. She was absolutely furious at having been deceived.

15. He was furious, but his manner was very restrained.

16. You should have seen her - she was furious!

17. I managed to smile, but inwardly I was furious.

18. I was furious at his making such an accusation.

19. 10 A man was furious: " You only castration Off! "

20. Bitten was a fast & furious read for me

21. He was furious at this intervention from the press.

22. Externally, she appeared calm, but inside she was furious.

23. I was furious, but Mike was as cool as a cucumber.

24. Nathan’s story made David furious.

25. He is fast and furious.

26. Angry is not the word for it-I was furious.

27. With whom is the moon furious?

28. A synonym for Boisterousness is furious

29. The luckless adventure made Earnshaw furious.

30. After furious debate, the legislature defeated the bill.

31. He gave a furious blast on his horn.

32. He risked a glance at her furious face.

33. Jack was furious with his London doctors for having misled him.

34. Would you happen to be the delinquent that this furious cop was talking to me about?

35. 34 For jealousy makes a husband furious;

36. His anger suddenly erupted into furious shouting.

37. The horse broke into a furious gallop.

38. The sisters get furious when you drip.

39. Furious, the workers agitate for a strike.

40. What's up with him? He looks furious.

41. I'd be furious If we were paying for " Dennis Miller Live. " [ chuckles ]

42. Ken was furious, but forced himself to appear calm on the outside.

43. She was furious with herself for letting things get out of hand.

44. 18 Ken was furious, but forced himself to appear calm on the outside.

45. 20 Furious government officials branded her story "garbage".

46. Chavez unleashed a furious counterattack on his attacker.

47. The husband, furious, threatens to kill the American.

48. He was furious with himself for letting things get so out of control.

49. He gave a faintly malicious smile at her furious expression.

50. Sara, while remaining outwardly amiable toward all concerned(sentence dictionary), was inwardly furious.

51. Definitions for Affret (n.) A furious onset or attack

52. He's furious about/at the way he's been treated.

53. I was furious and I was humiliated when she dumped me, but I think I...

54. Joe was furious and felt embarrassed that his White House intrigues should come to naught.

55. Residents in the area are furious at the decision.

56. The most furious anarchist become the most barefaced apostate.

57. And by persuasion to appease, their Blameful furious rage

58. A furious player kicked his racket into the grandstand.

59. Everybody was angry last night, they were furious that I shut it all down.

60. They were furious when one of their best managers was poached by another company.

61. 26 Larger pieces of dirty cometary ice may also be dislodged by this furious evaporation.

62. The result will now unleash furious demands for his resignation.

63. It's like "Love, Actually" meets "The Fast and the Furious."

64. Scarlett was on her feet, furious, facing the coldly blazing India and the imploring Melanie.

65. Furious fans then hurled bottles and cans at the madman as he was dragged away.

66. It is a wild zigzag trajectory Catapulted out of furious …

67. His secretary cocked up his travelling schedule and he's furious about it.

68. I guess Wilkinson was furious that his best performer would circumvent him and talk to me instead.

69. Hyde, furious at having been caged for so long, killed Carew.

70. Rose looked at me with a furious gleam in her eyes.

71. He is furious at the way his wife has been treated.

72. It was a harrowing din, a cascade of furious voices merged into a single pulsating shout.

73. If he hears what you have been up to in his absence, he will be furious.

74. 27 Melanie was furious, and desperate enough to go to any lengths to terminate the pregnancy.

75. 23 It's not a relaxing film - it's pretty fast and furious.

76. Brainish (comparative more Brainish, superlative most Brainish) (obsolete) hot-headed; furious

77. I became furious with myself for putting up with her for so long!

78. And I remember being furious, thinking, 'Why did we make this fucking record?'"

79. His eyes flashed, and his lips were drawn back in a furious snarl.

80. Bros’s furious rows and mangled metaphors made their Christmas documentary a smash